University of Exeter: Transforming Collaborative Spaces

University of Exeter

Main Objectives

The University of Exeter, renowned for its dedication to innovation and collaboration, engaged our expertise to breathe new life into one of their team-oriented workspaces. With a vision for adaptable environments that mirror their dynamic academic pursuits, the university entrusted us to reimagine their workspace.

Product Used

The flexible requirements of the space led us to introduced our latest space division system, “On The Move” – meticulously designed to seamlessly integrate mobile space division, versatile storage solutions, grid shelving, and state-of-the-art dynamic whiteboards and acoustic boards. We also pioneered the On The Move wall rail system, which allows boards to be effortlessly switched from the mobile units and mounted to the wall.

Combining this innovative furniture system with stacking stools and Nimble folding tables, we empowered teams to effortlessly reconfigure layouts within minutes, facilitating a fluid and responsive workspace environment.

Customer Feedback

“The space is incredible! So much positive feedback from the team, and I used the corner space for a workshop the other day which worked so well! Thanks again for everything, it’s really transformed the way we work.”  Staff Member at the Uni.

Not only did our innovative “On The Move” furniture system and flexible layout options meet the University of Exeter’s dynamic needs, but they also exceeded expectations by enabling seamless adaptability for various activities, such as workshops. It’s gratifying to witness firsthand the tangible impact of our efforts in transforming the way teams operate and collaborate within the university environment.


Our collaboration with the University of Exeter extended beyond mere furniture provision; it was a strategic partnership, aimed at triggering meaningful change. This transformation was not just cosmetic but had tangible effects, enhancing productivity and creativity among staff and students alike.

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