Kingfisher PLC BUSYPODs - Creating distraction free spaces

Workagile was asked to collaborate on an initiative for Kingfisher PLC, the owner of brands such as B&Q and Screwfix, to implement a cutting-edge, flexible solution for accommodating various types of meetings. Our team supplied the innovative BUSYPOD phone booths, which proved to be a game-changer for Kingfisher PLC.
These premium acoustic phone booths provided staff with a private and distraction-free space to have important phone calls or virtual meetings – with the ability to focus without distractions, employees experienced increased productivity and improved communication, ultimately contributing to a more efficient work environment.
BUSYPODs also have an innovative occupancy light integrated above the door as standard – this allows staff to check for free pods with ease, and prevented the need to manually check the pods, which could pose as a distraction for those inside.
We are truly honored to have played a part in enhancing Kingfisher’s workplace dynamics and helping promote a productive and innovative culture. This project showcases the power of collaboration and the importance of crafting solutions tailored to our clients’ unique needs.
A huge thank you to Tsunami Axis and Kingfisher PLC for entrusting us with this opportunity. Together, we are shaping the future of work!